2020 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems

(FUZZ-IEEE 2020)

19-24 July 2020, Glasgow, UK


Special Session on Fuzzy Interpolation

Fuzzy interpolation provides a flexible means to perform reasoning in the presence of insufficient knowledge that is represented as a sparse fuzzy rule base. It enables approximate inference to be carried out from a rule base that does not cover a given observation. Fuzzy interpolation also provides a way to simplify complex-system models and/or the process of fuzzy rule generation. It allows the reduction of the number of rules needed, thereby speeding up parameter optimisation and runtime efficiency.

Objectives and Topics:


The aim of this special session is to provide a forum:

á      To disseminate and discuss recent and significant research efforts in the development of fuzzy interpolation and related techniques,

á      To promote both theoretical and practical applications of fuzzy interpolation, and

á      To foster integration of fuzzy interpolation with other computational intelligence techniques.


The topics of this special session will include but are not limited to:

á      Fuzzy interpolation

á      Fuzzy extrapolation

á      Fuzzy interpolative learning

á      Fuzzy systems simplification

á      Fuzzy set transformation

á      Fuzzy set representation

á      Fuzzy interpolation application

á      Fuzzy function approximation

á      Hybrid fuzzy interpolation systems

á      Comparative studies of interpolation methods


Organizers and Contact Information:


Name: Qiang Shen

Email address: qqs@aber.ac.uk

Affiliation: Faculty of Business and Physical Sciences, Aberystwyth University, UK


Name: Laszlo T. Koczy

Email address: koczy@tmit.bme.hu

Affiliation: Faculty of Engineering Sciences, Szechenyi Istvan University, Hungary


Name: Shyi-Ming Chen

Email address: smchen@mail.ntust.edu.tw

Affiliation: Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan